
Body OS

Body OS is borrowed from the tulpamancy term to refer to the autopilot when no one is fronting (though we've been starting to lean towards calling it Body BIOS). However, for our system, it may be used to refer to the general "operating system" of the body as it exists and can effect our mindset.

Our dæmon is considered a literal manifestation of the Body OS, covered in the essay Sometimes Our Dæmon is Human: A Dæmon Representing the Physical Body of a System by Swiftpaw.

The Body OS is different between Parallel Lives, and different lives and bodies connected to the system have different Body OS. Bilocation Shift as we use it can be considered a headmate shifting to a different Body OS.

Details of the Body OS

The body OS includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Human instincts
  • Mental illness symptoms of such, odd brain behaviors
    • Typically genetic symptoms, such as autism, ADHD, and OCD
  • Urges and addictions
  • Common interests
  • Collective memory However, the exact experiences of these can be different between headmates. For example, all of us experience different mental illness symptoms within the body.

Typically though, headmates will still carry their specific symptoms of PTSD, individual interests, and basic personality traits. When completely grounded, these traits become moe pronounced.

Attachment Types

These descriptions are what we use in our profiles, and are mostly based in our understanding of it. These terms are not used in the outerwold, and while other systems are free to borrow this terminology if it helps them, others probably will not understand what you're talking about.

Designation Description
Created Attach Someone who formed in the system already attached to the Body OS, often refers to those with neurological origins, but not inherently.
Post-Creation Attach Someone who developed an attachment after creation, typically Walk-Ins, but also not inherently.
Fusion Attach Someone who fused with a part of the Body OS or a headmate attached to the Body OS. Often results in a Post-Fictive experience where one has been completely warped by the Body OS.
Temporary Attach Someone who can temporarily attach to the Body OS, is not always attached to the Body OS. This can be voluntary or involuntary, and can be due to a number of things.
Non-Attach Someone who is not attached to the Body OS at all.

Headmates who are affected by the Body OS are considered Body Tied (Headmates), where they would be considered system members in the common sense of the word.

Attachment Types Additional Levels

These describe the intensity of the attachment types. In the system list, these are placed in parenthesis. For example, someone who was created attached to the body would be written as "Created Attach (Intense)"

Designation Description
Extreme Someone who is deeply tied to the Body OS. These traits include.
- Constant awareness of the body.
- Can front with ease.
- Complete absorption of body symptoms in headspace body.
- Altered personality.
Intense Someone who is very tied to the Body OS, often under the frontrunner category. These traits include:
- Can become aware of the body at any time
- Can front with relative ease.
- Several body symptoms in headspace body, sometimes altered personality.
Moderate Someone who is moderately tied to the Body OS. Not quite mild, but not quite intense. These traits include:
- Some awareness of the body.
- Sometimes body symptoms copying to the headspace, but minimal. Usually this is just special interests.
Mild Someone who is only slightly tied to the Body OS. These traits include:
- Occasional awareness of the body.
- No body symptoms present in headspace body.

These levels are rarely innate and can usually change over time. Fronting is the best way to control the level, Fronting more is likely to increase the level, while fronting less is more likely to decrease the level.